Dear coworkers, colleagues, and partners across campus,
Amid the daily hustle and bustle of graduate education, it’s all too easy for us to lose sight of the dedicated network of hundreds of heads, hearts, and hands that move tens of thousands of our Grad Gators from admission to graduation, from promising prospects to potential fulfilled.
Though all of us may be scattered across campus, we here in Grinter Hall are very mindful of all you do and all you are for our graduate students — and we appreciate how earnestly you work hand in hand with us. Your efforts and willingness to go the extra mile make graduate education at the University of Florida the innovative incubator of intellect, ingenuity, and imagination that it so consistently and convincingly proves itself to be.
Thank you so very much! Go Gators!

Nicole L.P. Stedman, Ph.D.
Associate Provost and Dean
The Graduate School
University of Florida