The FDMA awards exceptional mentoring of UF doctoral and Master of Fine Arts students.

Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award


The University of Florida Graduate School’s yearly Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Award (FDMA) spotlights outstanding, innovative, and effective mentoring of doctoral and Master of Fine Arts student through their final dissertation or fine arts thesis project.

This award gives $3,000 to each of five or so faculty members, plus $1,000 to each winner's academic unit to use to support doctoral or Master of Fine Arts students.

Nominations for this award come from current UF graduate students, faculty members, administrators, and alumni.

FDMA Winners 2024-2025

Dr. William BauerProfessor William Bauer, Ph.D.
School of Music
College of the Arts
Personal statement (PDF file)

Dr. Habibeh KhoshboueiProfessor Habibeh Khoshbouei, Ph.D.
Department of Neuroscience
College of Medicine
Personal statement (PDF file)

Dr. Prabhat MishraProfessor Prabhat Mishra, Ph.D.
Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
Personal statement (PDF file)

Dr. Boone PrenticeAssistant Professor Boone Prentice, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Personal statement (PDF file)

Dr. Kelly RiceAssociate Professor Kelly Rice, Ph.D.
Department of Microbiology and Cell Science
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Personal statement (PDF file)

Previous Winners

To view an archive of previous FDMA winners and their personal statements, click here:
