Find Your Peace, Find Your Pace: Grad Emotional Wellness

October is Emotional Wellness Month. UF services and resources address and aid Grad Gator emotional wellness year-round.

Find Your Peace, Find Your Pace: Grad Emotional Wellness

Posted: October 4, 2024

October is Emotional Wellness Month — shaped around World Mental Health Day on October 10. It’s a 31-day reminder to take stock of stress levels and pressure points in our lives, identify how they impact us and our feelings, and explore what we can do proactively to keep a healthy mindset and forward-thinking momentum through them.

And the University of Florida offers its graduate students plenty in the way of services and resources to do just that!

GradCare is your one-stop point of contact for solutions to graduate student problems at the UF Graduate School’s home base at Grinter Hall. There, Assistant Director Christopher Walker will help you pinpoint your problem (be it related to academics, administration, health, housing, food supply, or other challenges) and put you in touch with sources of help best suited for your predicament.

The Counseling & Wellness Center offers a broad range of services — one-on-one counseling, group therapy, relationship counseling, addiction recovery support, and more — to help you see problems clearly and map out strategies to address them soundly.

The Student Health Care Center, in its new state-of-the-art facility, provides primary physician care, specialty care, urgent care, pharmacy services, telehealth, and more to keep you in tip-top shape — the physical foundation on which so much of emotional wellness often rests.

GatorWell Health Promotion Services offers life coaching to help you build healthy habits in time management, study and testing skills, stress reduction and mindfulness, sleep habits, social skills, relationship building, and more — key factors in emotional wellness and personal balance.

The Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry provides free groceries to help you through times of food insecurity. After all, “we are what we eat.” Food supply, nutrition, and eating habits do feed into our mental and emotional, as well as physical, well-being — issues that the registered dietitians at RecSports Nutrition Services can help you with.

Finally, last but not least, the Campus Multi-Faith Cooperative connects you with a network of faith and fellowship where you can draw emotional support from spiritual roots in the religious traditions of your choice.

For more leads to Grad Gator self-care and wellness connections, click here: Self-Care & Wellness.