UF Goes to Japan

Graduate School Dean Nicole Stedman trekked with other UF leaders to the Land of the Rising Sun to build higher education bridges.

UF Goes to Japan

Posted: June 27, 2024

Dr. Nicole Stedman, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Florida, took part in a delegation of UF administrators and faculty to Japan this past April to build higher education bridges through mutual interests in artificial intelligence (AI) and smart cities.

Spearheaded by the UF International Center, this foray formed part of its Comprehensive Strategic International Partnerships initiative, which aims to expand UF’s global engagement through student and faculty exchanges, joint degree programs, study abroad opportunities, and collaborative research around the world.

The UF delegation toured Kyoto University (a longtime UF partner), Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka University, Shiga University, the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (IST), and the University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) to learn of ongoing research and interest in international expansion among them.

Our Gator Nation diplomats also visited Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town, a project of Panasonic and partners that applies cutting-edge technology to create eco-friendly living and data-driven urban development, and the United States Embassy, where their team met with Public Affairs and EducationUSA officials.

To learn more online about this promising international initiative and its impact, click here to explore a handsomely illustrated and comprehensive StoryMap from the UF International Center: UF in Japan: Bridging Cultures Through AI and Smart Cities.