Posted: December 1, 2023
Dear Fellow Grad Gators,
As fall semester winds down, winter break draws near, and a new year looms on the horizon, I and Team Grad School wish you — our student, faculty, and staff partners in the grand enterprise of graduate education at the University of Florida — the best of every good thing.
Light, joy, peace, and goodwill — all too often absent in our world, alas — are hallmarks of this holiday season across cultures and spiritualities. Let’s all do our best to carry that spirit into our daily lives and interactions with others the whole year through. Our world becomes a better place whenever we acknowledge and act on the common humanity that we all share as one family on this planet.
Good luck with wrapping up your work for semester. Best wishes for a restful, relaxing, and reenergizing winter break. And many thanks for all that you are and all that you do — for that is truly what makes UF the graduate education and research powerhouse that it is.
May wonder and whimsy and wintertime cheer be your constant companions this season.
Go Gators!

Nicole L.P. Stedman, Ph.D.
Associate Provost and Dean
The Graduate School
University of Florida