Dean Stedman reminds us: Transition is an opportunity to explore fresh perspectives and new approaches.
Posted: August 23, 2023
Dear Students, Faculty, Administrators, and Staff,
Welcome, newcomers! Welcome back, familiar faces!
As we Grad Gators gather for the new academic year, we find that the University of Florida is in transition. This semester, we will inaugurate a new president, Dr. Ben Sasse, on November 2. And we await a new provost, while seasoned faculty member Dr. J. Scott Angle ably stewards that important role in the interim.
Transitions sometimes provoke unease, but they need not. Transition is a sign of health: it means that we are dynamic and on the move, rather than static and stuck in a rut. Transitions invite us to rethink preconceived notions and find fresh opportunities for growth amid the changes and challenges they present.
The Graduate School is going through some rather healthy transitions of its own:
We hope you’ll join in our enthusiasm for transition. And please keep in mind that the Graduate School is here for you as you settle into campus life and hit the books, so keep in touch with us!
All the best to all of you, Grad Gators, as we embark on a new academic year to further insight, ingenuity, and innovation for the greater good through graduate education and research at UF!
Go Gators!
Nicole L.P. Stedman, Ph.D.
Associate Provost and Dean
The Graduate School
University of Florida