A petition is a request for an exception to current University of Florida graduate education policy due to extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student, staff, or faculty.
Petitions must come from a graduate coordinator, graduate program director, department chair, or supervisory committee chair in the student’s academic unit, using this PDF form:
Petitions must be approved and signed by the student’s academic unit and college before submission to the Graduate School.
Completed petitions (including any support documentation) must be submitted as a single PDF file online, via this portal:
Important Reminders!
Students cannot submit petitions. Petitions must come to the Graduate School directly from UF graduate administrators, faculty, or staff.
Use of Adobe digital signatures is allowed and encouraged.
Graduate School staff review petitions in the order that they are received. Response time varies, depending on the complexity of the problem and/or the policy exception requested.
The Graduate School sends decisions on petitions to the petition’s initiator and college representative. The academic unit must notify the student of the decision (and any other UF unit, if appropriate).