Your graduation involves two different acts: commencement and degree certification.
Commencement is the ceremony at which the University of Florida publicly recognizes you as a graduate of your degree program. It takes place at the end of the Fall, Spring, and Summer C Semesters.
Degree certification is the official awarding of your degree after your degree program, the Graduate School, and the Registrar's Office have confirmed that you met all requirements for it. It takes place in December, May, and August during the week after your commencement ceremony.
To graduate (whether or not you plan on attending your commencement ceremony), you must submit a degree application via the ONE.UF online portal by the deadline for the semester you plan to graduate. For more details and instructions, click here: Degree Application.
To plan ahead for a smooth last semester at UF and make graduation, use these handy checklists:
Also, click here to learn more about requirements and deadlines for your thesis or dissertation submission: UF Graduate School Editorial Office.
If you plan on attending your commencement ceremony, please check the UF Commencement website for deadlines to order your cap and gown beforehand, plus other preparations you must make. Click here: UF Commencement.
Your diploma is available about eight weeks after degree certification. The Registrar's Office will mail to the address you have on your degree application. For more details and instructions, click here: Diplomas.