The Graduate Curriculum Committee oversees the process of…
- Creating new graduate courses.
- Integrating them into Florida’s Statewide Course Numbering System.
- Making changes to existing graduate courses in the UF Graduate Catalog.
Its membership includes:
- The Graduate School’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs as chair.
- Six graduate faculty members, representing a spectrum of academic fields.
- Graduate School staffers.
Graduate Curriculum Committee faculty members serve three-year terms, staggered so that two members’ terms end at the end of each academic year.
New members are nominated by the Graduate Council and appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School.
A member who serves one three-year term may be reappointed by the Dean of the Graduate School to a second term.
Any temporary vacancies may be filled by the Dean of the Graduate School with consent of the Graduate Council.
It meets on the second Thursday of each month at 110 Grinter Hall during fall and spring semesters. It does not usually meet during the summer semesters.
It uses UF’s Academic Approval Tracking System for…
This system tracks requests at each stage of the review process and communicates final decisions to the academic units that made the request.
All requests must include a new or updated syllabus for the new or modified course that conforms to UF Policy on Course Syllabi.
Incomplete requests, missing signoffs, and missing syllabi will delay review and a final decision.
For more information, click these links:
Questions? Email Dr. Tom Kelleher (Associate Dean for Academic Affairs) at gradschool@aa.ufl.edu.
Need proposal submission help? Email grad-programs@ufl.edu.