Graduate Council

The Graduate Council governs policy and standards for graduate education at UF.

The Graduate Council sets policy and standards for graduate education and research at the University of Florida.

Its membership includes:

  • The Dean of the Graduate School as chair.
  • Six graduate faculty members, appointed by the Provost.
  • Six graduate faculty members, elected by graduate faculty.
  • One graduate student, elected by the Graduate Student Council (plus an alternate).

All members serve for overlapping three-year terms, aside from the Graduate School Dean (permanent chair) and the graduate student representative (one year).

It meets every third Thursday at 1 p.m. at 110 Grinter Hall from September through May. It may meet in June, if needed. It does not meet in July and August.

For more information, click these links:

Questions? Email Executive Secretary Lorna Dishman at

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