Helpful Tools

For information on how to submit a petition for a special exception to policy or deadlines due to extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control through our petition process, click this link: Petitions.
Policy Guides
The UF Graduate Catalog is the University of Florida’s official, most up-to-date record of graduate policies, critical dates, deadlines, degree offerings, course descriptions, and faculty members. Click this link to view it:
The UF Graduate Policy Manual is a guide to UF Graduate School operational policies, procedures, and processes for UF administrators, graduate coordinators, and staff. Click this link to view it:
The Graduate Student Handbook is a handy digest of (but not a replacement for!) the Graduate Catalog. It provides quick answers in an easy format to commonly asked questions about graduate education policy, procedure, and processes at UF. Click this link to view a printer-friendly PDF copy:
The UF Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code details the rights and responsibilities of all UF students, as well as the accountability expected of them for their behavior. Click this link to access this document: